2211 The Oaks Blvd, FL 34746
Phone: (407) 738-8080
Email: Desmond.Hunt@huntprovideo.com

Excellence In Video

Capturing your special day on video is unlike that of regular photography. Today’s brides are realizing how important it is to relive that day in a way that only a video on DVD’s can provide. Think of it, video captures the sounds and the motions of your parents or grandparents enjoying your special day. Photographs only capture the visual aspect of the day – no sound & no motion. One day your photos will be old and faded. But if your memories are captured on video, the sounds and color will be as vivid and lifelike as the day you were married.
Should I have my wedding videotaped?


Why should I hire a professional to capture my wedding on video when I can get a
friend or relative do it?
Anyone can buy the cameras and computer equipment we use – but that isn’t what makes a good wedding documentary. We take pride in the work we do, and we treat it as a work of ART. Sometimes we will spend numerous hours putting together one couples video. Now, you just can’t expect to give someone a paintbrush and watch them instantly become a great painter… can you? This goes the same for the style of work we do. It does not depend on the equipment we use! Besides, if you have ever watched a wedding taped by someone’s relative you already know the answer. They always have the best intentions. They may have just got a new camcorder and figure “Hey! John and Linda are getting married what a good time to test out the new camera!” Your wedding day shouldn’t be a testing ground. If they don’t have the stamina or an eye for capturing what needs to be told, the results will leave you feeling disappointed.

How many cameras are available?
The bride and groom have a choice of one or two cameras to capture their special day on video. Some budgets only allow for one camera coverage, which will produce a nice memorable account of the day’s activities. However, two-camera coverage allows an additional dimension of coverage and is an excellent choice in capturing the day. It has become popular in recent years and couples find the coverage exhilarating to watch. Additional cameras optional and available upon request.

When does your coverage start?
I typically start recording at the Bride’s house. This is about 1 ½ -2 hours before the wedding ceremony. If package selected does not include the Bride’s house, video coverage starts 1 ½ hours before the ceremony.

What if my church has restrictions on video?
Hunt Productions will make every effort to achieve the best results possible, but it is the clients responsibility to find out if there are any restrictions on videography, where ever the event takes place, and notify Hunt Productions as soon as possible. Many churches and synagogues have guidelines, such as no flash photography and no moving around during the ceremony. We understand this because a place of worship is not a television studio.
We strive to place a camera in a position, which affords me a clear view of your faces during the ceremony. This is not always possible, because some churches restrict the camera position to a limited area (back of church or balcony). This is not the best position from the cameraman’s point of view. Please be sure to find out what is allowed before the day of the event and contact me, so we can discuss your particular situation.

Will you use wireless microphones?
Yes, wireless microphones are used to acquire the best possible audio quality during the vows in the wedding ceremony. We, however, do not record your personal conversations through the course of the ceremony. If the videographer is in close proximity of the bride and groom, the microphone on the camera would be sufficient. A mic is also used at the reception to interview the bridal party and guests.

Won't the camera man be disruptive and obstrusive?
Not at all… We take pride in what we do and do our best to be inconspicuous. We make every effort to record your wedding professionally – this includes being dressed appropriately, not being pushy, and remaining stationary as much as possible.

How much do you charge?
The price of our wedding packages start at a competitive price of only $995. There are four packages that are available to you, as well as a custom designed production. We will work with you and your proposed budget. Please do not forget that it is an investment... quality is priceless. I have over 21 years experience, and use high-quality professional equipment. The price is affected to some degree by how elaborate post-production editing is. I encourage you to shop around and compare, but please look at the actual work, don’t just shop by phone.

Do I have a choice of music?
Yes, Hunt Productions encourages you to select music for the photo montage, Bride’s house, receiving line, the day in review, etc. depending on the package you select. We request that you provide all music to be used (preferably on CD) and assume all responsibility in respect to copyright laws. I will discuss this matter with you as needed.

Should I provide a meal for my videographer(s)?
My assistant and I are on the job for sometimes up to 10 hours between the time we arrive at the Bride’s house and the time we leave the reception. It is a welcome courtesy if you provide a meal for your videographers. Usually, the reception hall needs to know ahead of time to make the necessary preparations. Your thoughtfulness in this matter is appreciated.

We know you are excited and want your video as soon as possible. So we make an effort to have your final production delivered within 1-3 weeks for one camera and 2-4 weeks for two-camera coverage. Custom packages require an add’l week.
When will I receive my video?

What are your payment plans?
We work with our brides and grooms with their proposed budget. Our payment plan enables them to feel comfortable and allows a three-payment process. First deposit is due at time of booking to reserve the date and a second videographer (if necessary). The second payment is due thirty days prior to the wedding date. And the last payment is due when the final production is delivered. Note: Payment schedules may have to be adjusted when booking is within 30 days of the event. Hunt Productions has seen this to be the most feasible and flexible way payments can be made – which brides and grooms have appreciated.

Are you covered with insurance?
Yes, we are absolutely covered. This is very important and is what separates professional videographers from amateurs. Even though we take the most care in our work and coverage of every event, insurance is needed because most reception halls will not allow videographers or musicians in the door. It is also necessary if something unexpected occurs – these provisions are made with you in mind.
Providing Video Services in Central Florida
(407) 738-8080
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