2211 The Oaks Blvd, FL 34746
Phone: (407) 738-8080
Email: Desmond.Hunt@huntprovideo.com

Excellence In Video

Church Technology Consulting
Hunt Productions, llc is dedicated to working with churches to form a strong technology ministry.
consult with the Pastor/Technology Ministry Director, discuss your needs and what your plans are for the future.
identify what equipment is working and can be used for future use.
disguard all old and inoperable equipment. You do not want to give the wrong impression that all the equipment in the room is working when half of it needs to be thrown away.
work with you and your proposed budget - whether the project is completed all at once, or if it is done in phases.
identify the new equipment that is needed to satisfy your present need & get the job done.
Make an announcement to all interested individuals that would like to join this new ministry. Set a time and place to meet.
And we continue from there...
Contact us for more information and to schedule a time for us to visit your church.
Mt. ZionSDA Church
Technology Ministry Team

So we can “Go ye therefore in to the world wide web – email, post, chat, tweet, network, and stream the good news of salvation to all.
Mark 16:15 (Tech Ministries Version)
Goals and Objectives:
1. To use Technology to enhance the worship experience, broadcast Live on the internet for all to enjoy online access, to create an archive of services to make available for visitors.
2. To successfully operate and manage all A/V components of the church and be effective in making the service a pleasant visual
and audible experience.
3. To effectively cross train the team members to master a variety of components in technology and to serve in these capacities
when short staffed.
4. To make DVD’s and CD’s available to all sick and shut-in members free and all others who so desire for a small contribution.
5. Stay on top of the latest developments in audio and video technology – study and recommend the purchase of new audio and
video equipment. Decisions about price, warranty, and service for example, are made by this committee. Our recommendations
are then forwarded to the board for approval.
6. To train our youth to use their God given talents to learn the different areas of technology and be effective in enhancing the
worship service.
7. Provide for the maintenance of the equipment that makes up the church’s technology and stay on top of the changes in
Providing Video Services in Central Florida
(407) 738-8080
Contact Us